Has anyone read...
31-07-2004, 06:35 PM,
Has anyone read...
"The Looniness of a Long Distance Runner" by Russell Taylor?

I have just bought it for a slob-around-the-pool read when I'm on holiday in a couple of weeks.

Where I'm going it's too hot to run so I thought I'd keep fit by reading about running instead.Rolleyes
31-07-2004, 09:32 PM,
Has anyone read...
Not only have I read it SP, I have a glass of Cape Chardonnay resting on it at this very moment.

It's a good holiday read, probably an EXCELLENT holiday read but... (and perhaps the "but" gives you a clue) I have an opinion about it that I'll express after you've finished it.

Which reminds me. Should we start a new area of the forum to talk about books, films, theatre etc? I occasionally mention stuff I've seen/read in the daily logs but I often think it would be good to hear what other people are digesting, and good to be able to exchange views.

What do you reckon, everyone?

El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
01-08-2004, 01:51 AM,
Has anyone read...
Funny, but only yesterday I pulled Russell Taylor's book off the shelf for a bit of a return visit. It's a good fun light-hearted read, but clearly the guy is a far better runner than he claims, and is therefore hard to relate to.

So, definitely quite funny and worth a read by the pool, but don't expect any great insights.

The author, Russell Taylor, is one half of the combination that produces the "Alex" comic strip about London financial life. A very clever guy.

Actually I think there's a fair bit of similarity between Taylor's humour and our Andy's. Only difference really is that Taylor doesn't mess about with dark psychotic ruminations on canal murders, manicly depressed observations about curlews and tormented rants about baby killers. Although, those are quite funny too in their own black-ish way. Not going to sell newspapers, but.

MLC Man.
Run. Just run.
01-08-2004, 12:21 PM,
Has anyone read...
Well, OK, as you've mentioned my reservations...

It's certainly an entertaining read, and I wouldn't want to put anyone off. It's a pretty ideal book to take on holiday where you can get some vicarious exercise from it while flopping round doing nothing.

The two things I didn't like have been mentioned by MLCM. The humour is relentless. I wanted to know more about the serious side of running. What was he getting out of it apart from a lot of funny ideas for the next chapter? No reflections on anything, just a series of sketches. After a while it begins to feel a bit lopsided.

But there's a more fundamental problem. The book's central pillar of humour is that he's a crap runner, struggling to get round, but actually he's pretty good. I seem to remember his first race being full of jokes about being overtaken by elderly runners, yet at the end he says his average pace was 7 mins-something per mile, which is pretty damn nippy from where I'm standing. His marathon is 3 hours-something. Non-runners probably wouldn't notice, but true plodders like me felt slightly resentful about that.

But it's still worth reading.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
01-08-2004, 03:04 PM,
Has anyone read...
I kinda guessed from the title that it wouldn't offer insider snippets about how to break the 3 hour barrier.Rolleyes. But I think the consensus is that it's worth a read on holiday, thanks!

Ahem, whilst on the subject, I think I've probably read all of Tom Sharpe's books and found the vast majority hilarious. Can anyone recommend humourous books in a similar stylee?
02-08-2004, 01:17 PM,
Has anyone read...
On a general 'holiday read' vibe ... try 'Water Music' by TC Boyle.
02-08-2004, 04:38 PM,
Has anyone read...
I've read the book, too, and I did greatly enjoy it. There were some classic one-liners in there, and it was good fun all the way through, poking fun at this crazy pursuit we follow.

But I'd agree that insights were few and far between. Amongst the laughs, I didn't see too many people meeting their younger, less fit and more haunted selves outside a hotel in Huddersfield. That's real thoughtful writing. Marvellous stuff, Andy.

If you could just persuade Gwyneth Paltrow to take up running in your place, you could even have the basis of a decent film script there..... a kind of West Riding 'Sliding Doors' ?
04-08-2004, 06:19 PM,
Has anyone read...
After it was discussed on the forum, I was looking forward to slobbing by the pool with this, sadly it is not to be...

Carly Smith
Sports Books Direct, History Books Direct
Caxton Walk, 94-96 Charing Cross Road
London WC2H 0JW
020 7240 7388

I regret to inform you that 'The Looniness of the Long Distance Runner' has gone out of print and so is no longer available.

I am sorry we will not be able to sell it to you as advertised on our website.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Yours sincerely,

Carly Smith
Sports Books Direct

[dreadfulcheekbutI'llaskanyway]I don't suppose anyone is prepared to lend Big Grin ??[/dreadfulcheekbutI'llaskanyway]
04-08-2004, 09:05 PM,
Has anyone read...
I have a copy of this book that you are welcome to. Just drop a mail to ian@ianpainter.com and I will put it in the post.
05-08-2004, 11:59 AM,
Has anyone read...
Amazon UK claim to still have it in stock SP.

Mind you, the Blisworth Bolt's offer is pretty hard to beat!
Run. Just run.
05-08-2004, 02:28 PM,
Has anyone read...
Yeah I saw that MLC, but Amazon want 3 weeks to deliver Eek.

I have taken Ian up on his kind offer. As you say it's hard to beat.
10-08-2004, 04:03 PM,
Has anyone read...
Arrived today, thanks Ian. So now I have that, and Fever Pitch by Nick Hornby. Pretty good holiday reading I'd say. Cool
15-09-2004, 07:46 AM,
Has anyone read...
What did you think, coach?
Run. Just run.
15-09-2004, 07:55 AM,
Has anyone read...
Big Grin

I agreed with everything you said about it, and as planned, disagreed with everything that Andy said.Wink

A perfect holiday read. Cool
23-11-2004, 05:54 PM,
Has anyone read...
. . . in fact I've still got your (or is it ian's) copy Old Boy.
Must get that back to you sometime soon - or would you like me to
mail it directly to Ian?
24-11-2004, 05:00 PM,
Has anyone read...

No I'll take it off you thanks!

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