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My life, I realise suddenly, is July
25-07-2015, 11:57 AM, (This post was last modified: 25-07-2015, 11:59 AM by Charliecat5.)
RE: My life, I realise suddenly, is July
Well I’ve popped my ParkRun cherry.

I’ve always resisted doing one of these… having never been able to understand why someone would want to run around a park several times on a Saturday morning, when the alternative is lying about in bed for a couple of extra hours.

However, BGG has worn me down (and promised me cake); so this morning we did the Brighton & Hove parkrun.   He picked me up at 8:15 gushing with the excitement of it all.  I remained unconvinced.  

We arrived, and I realised that his promise that there would be lots of people even more un-fit than us just didn’t ring true.  All I could see was highly tuned whippets limbering up around the park.  

We parked ourselves at the back of the pack and waited for the starter’s pistol (or a ready, steady, go over a megaphone).  Then nothing happened.   Then after a while, people started to shuffle forward.  It seemed to take an age to cross the start line, but eventually we were off, weaving between the slow coaches trying to find some clear ground.

This run involves going around the park 2.5 times.  On the far side there is a long steady incline… nothing to speak off.   However, it was fascinating how many runners struggled with it.  For us hill runners… this is where we gain ground (as it were).

Having said that, the winners crossed the finish line at exactly the same time as I cross the line for the third lap! 

Overall, I was pleased with my result.  I deliberately didn’t go flat out but still managed a 24:50 time.  It was noticeable that my pace increased each mile, which I put down to clearing the congestion each time round.   But best of all was the cake at the end.

Am I a fan?  Truthfully… nope.   Will I be back?  I think I might.  I know I can beat that time.
There is more to be done

Messages In This Thread
RE: My life, I realise suddenly, is July - by Charliecat5 - 25-07-2015, 11:57 AM

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