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April 2011
06-04-2011, 04:00 PM, (This post was last modified: 09-04-2011, 11:24 AM by Sweder.)
April 2011
Two micro-runs so far this week, on Monday and Tuesday, each just over a mile and a half at around 15 minutes or so. The pups can't manage much more and who's to say that I could on a daily basis?

This morning I was due in Southampton at 08:00 so I waived the right to plod, settling instead for a sedate meander under the morning cloud. My companions honed their rabbit-chasing skills, playing a loud and somewhat vicious game of tag where the tagger nips the taggee on the hind quarters and belts off in the other direction. It was hugely entertaining, eerily reminiscent of Tess and Gypsy at play. Ripley's ploy of plunging into the long wet grass paid dividends as Murphy, like Gypsy before him, has an aversion to overt dampness. He waited, sat posture-perfect, antenna-like ears scanning the brush until, bored, his sister scampered out onto the racecourse and the game continued.

I'll keep up the daily outing routine, extending each session as the pups's fitness permits. I'm loading my youngest child onto a school bus bound for Greece (via the airport) for a Classics trip (which I would dearly love to go on) before sun-up on Sunday. Then I'll haul my weary frame to the Brighton prom to cheer on MarathonDan, Stillwaddler, Tom Roper and any number of Brighton & Hove runners not to mention twenty-five or so generous souls running for JDRF. I'll save my long plod for the evening when I hope the inspiration of seeing a giant bobbing rock-phallus fly past will lead me into the hills with fresh purpose.

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The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

08-04-2011, 01:40 PM,
RE: April 2011
The photo of your pups is absolutely gorgeous and very reminiscent of our youngest's girlfriend's lurcher Flossie who we used to dog sit for, she has only very recently died after a very short illness at the venerable age of 13. They had rescued her from a filthy yard at about the age of 6 where she had been tied up and neglected because she was no longer fit for hunting after damaging her leg. She was the most delightful gentle creature and I miss her loads.

Great running companions Sweder and hours of fun into the bargain. Maybe MD would give you the loan of the pink appendage to decorate your evening plod on Sunday. Looking forward to seeing you.
Phew this is hard work !
13-04-2011, 05:15 PM, (This post was last modified: 13-04-2011, 05:23 PM by Sweder.)
RE: April 2011
With the exception of last Wednesday I've managed a run each day since my last diary post. Nothing much over two kilometers each time, but as I discovered this week this is ideal for getting reaquainted with my Vibram Fivefingers. It's a good idea to sort my posture and gait before moving on to proper distances.

Sunday's tea-time outing was the most memorable. I love this time of day, when the waning heat of the day links arms with the emerging cool of the night to dance and swirl amongst the lengthening shadows. I played gooseberry, scampering through the hazy layers of twilight as the sun slipped quietly over the western hills.

More soon.

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

13-04-2011, 07:15 PM,
Thumbs Up  RE: April 2011
Yay! Great news indeed!

Run. Just run.
15-04-2011, 12:05 PM, (This post was last modified: 16-04-2011, 06:18 AM by Sweder.)
RE: April 2011
A couple more runs this week, all rather short and uneventful.
Today's was overcast, a little chilly too, though I stuck with the minimalist outfit; shorts, t-shirt and Vibrams.

On Wednesday I bumped into Maria, a local runner who clocked 3:20 at Brighton. She was out with her spaniels (not a euphamism) and seemed to me to be a little distracted, almost giggly, as we spoke. I assumed it was the 'feet' and she did indeed ask about them. =It was only when I returned home and went to remove my shorts that I noticed they were inside-out, the flimsy inner protective layer stretched taught around the outside of my ample backside, a cruel parody; in which Batman leaves in a hurry. No wonder she was giggly.

I thought about this today, and as I did so I imagined how my old mucker Moyleman would have howled at such a faux pas. He'd have ribbed me mercilessly, no doubt bestowing me with a new, less than flattering nickname (Chris would have made a great Hashmaster). Today marks the second anniversary of his death. I miss him as much as ever. It's typical of the man that on days like this he still makes me laugh.

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The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

15-04-2011, 08:45 PM, (This post was last modified: 15-04-2011, 09:00 PM by Mid Life Crisis Marathon Man.)
RE: April 2011
Great photo there Sweder. RIP (Run In Peace!) Moyley.
Run. Just run.
15-04-2011, 09:12 PM, (This post was last modified: 15-04-2011, 09:14 PM by Sweder.)
RE: April 2011
This photo was taken by Moyleyman's great friend Soft Alan - 'Le Soft' as Chris would call him. They were on a hill walking holiday and stopped for a pint. I found the photo on Chris's FB page. Never seen it before but its a favourite now. It really captures the humour and the humanity in the man.

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

15-04-2011, 10:39 PM,
RE: April 2011
(15-04-2011, 09:12 PM)Sweder Wrote: This photo was taken by Moyleyman's great friend Soft Alan - 'Le Soft' as Chris would call him. They were on a hill walking holiday and stopped for a pint. I found the photo on Chris's FB page. Never seen it before but its a favourite now. It really captures the humour and the humanity in the man.

Indeed, great picture.

Rest easy, big man.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
16-04-2011, 03:51 PM, (This post was last modified: 16-04-2011, 04:02 PM by Sweder.)
RE: April 2011
I rocked up to ParkRun this morning for the first time this year and quite possibly in eight months or so. I thought it might be fun to run in my Vibrams even though the course is layed out along concrete paths. My wiggly footwear caused a good deal of tittering, nudging and pointing amongst the regulars. God-botherer Rog was there, as was Alan Le Soft along with Mrs Soft and Soft Minor, now toddling about on his own pins.

I kept pace with Rog for most of the two-and-a-half laps, chatting through short sharp breaths as a steady stream of fitter, faster runners chugged past. Great to see them all along with Mikey, Fi and many others, all looking lean, mean and generally younger than I remember them. A lanky sort loped past us with 400 metres to go. I took umbrage, kicking on to chase him home. Rog didn't go with me but caught me just after the finish line.
'Not running much? Yeah right!' he grinned.

I bagged a surprisingly quick 22:17 which ParkRun have just informed me is a PB by 5 seconds. I'm not sure what to make of that except to say 'good stuff' and to keep up with my daily shuttles to the top of the field and back.
It's a funny old game is this running malarky.

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

16-04-2011, 10:30 PM, (This post was last modified: 16-04-2011, 10:31 PM by Mid Life Crisis Marathon Man.)
RE: April 2011
(16-04-2011, 03:51 PM)Sweder Wrote: I bagged a surprisingly quick 22:17 which ParkRun have just informed me is a PB by 5 seconds. I'm not sure what to make of that except to say 'good stuff' and to keep up with my daily shuttles to the top of the field and back.

See? The Coach Crisis Daily Run Method works! Tongue

ParkRun ... is that 5km?

And Habakkuk Harriers - where are they these days? I miss those guys!
Run. Just run.
17-04-2011, 12:18 PM, (This post was last modified: 17-04-2011, 12:18 PM by ladyrunner.)
RE: April 2011
(16-04-2011, 03:51 PM)Sweder Wrote: I bagged a surprisingly quick 22:17 which ParkRun have just informed me is a PB by 5 seconds.

WOW Sweder, where did that come from?? Well done on your pb. It sounds like you have got some serious fitness back since I saw you 2 weeks ago. Big Grin Big Grin
Almeria Half Marathon 2017
The Grizzly 2017
That's it for now!!
18-04-2011, 07:00 AM,
RE: April 2011
Great going indeed Sweder. Interesting, 'cos I would think that when you cut down (ahem) on training, the first thing to go is the top end speed. But you've always been happy to defy convention.
18-04-2011, 08:32 AM, (This post was last modified: 18-04-2011, 10:35 AM by Sweder.)
RE: April 2011
I don't think I've found any fitness LR Wink

More likely the joy of running 'barefoot' helped me to scamper, as did having Rog-air for company. I'm paying for it now, though I suspect the sore calves are as much from nine hours bouncing and cheering at Miles 13/ 22 at the VLM yesterday. A spectacular day, won in a (London) record time. I'd like to see the fella try that carrying my lard around the course.

Well done to all JDRF runners and supporters.
Another cracking day out. Roll on Wednesday when I get my voice back.

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The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

18-04-2011, 11:11 AM,
RE: April 2011
Woo Hoo a PB I'm dead impressed. Hope the voice gets back to normal soon,. a Guinness or two should be imbibed - purely medicinal of course, excellent lubrication for vocal parts.
Phew this is hard work !
20-04-2011, 08:23 PM, (This post was last modified: 20-04-2011, 09:05 PM by El Gordo.)
RE: April 2011
As ever, Sweder defies the laws of physics.

Excellent stuff, old boy.

Edited to add - By the way, we caught the JDRF presence at the London Marathon. We were watching the leading ladies at around mile 13 (?) when M started squealing that she'd just spotted the JDRF banner. We rewound several times, expecting to see a bottle of Guinness glinting among the JDRF helpers, or better, hear, that famous stentorian bellow, urging the runners on, but neither was in evidence.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
21-04-2011, 10:50 AM,
RE: April 2011
I was opposite that section just after the mile 22 marker. I deployed a whistle & air-horns to save the voice as in past years it's been Wednesday before I could speak well enough to use a telephone. It worked pretty well too.

More daily outings of no more than 2.5 kilometres to report. I missed out Sunday as I was up at Dawn's crack to join the JDRF revellers on the Highway at 07:30, and Monday because ... well, I couldn't be arsed to be honest. After effects of my lung-busting ParkRun effort seem to be a tightened calf muscle (the same gristly lump that plagued me in Cape Town strangely enough). I plan on returning to Hove Park this Saturday morning for an entirely un-scientific experiement. I shall line up in my off-road trainers, give it absolutely everything for 5k and see how that compares to last week in the Vibrams. If my half-arsed theories are anywhere close to right I'll be around 30 seconds, possibly more, off PB pace.

Ladyrunner and Moylebird have threatened to drag me out to run a section of the 100 mile South Downs Relay course on Sunday. I'll warn them now, it'll be remarkably slow.

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

21-04-2011, 10:50 AM, (This post was last modified: 21-04-2011, 11:12 AM by Sweder.)
RE: April 2011
I was opposite that section just after the mile 22 marker. I deployed a whistle & air-horns to save the voice as in past years it's been Wednesday before I could speak well enough to use a telephone. It worked pretty well too.

More daily outings of no more than 2.5 kilometres to report. I missed out Sunday as I was up at Dawn's crack to join the JDRF revellers on the Highway at 07:30, and Monday because ... well, I couldn't be arsed to be honest. After-effects of my lung-busting ParkRun effort seem to be a tightened calf muscle (the same gristly lump that plagued me in Cape Town strangely enough). I plan on returning to Hove Park this Saturday morning for an entirely un-scientific experiement. I shall line up in my off-road trainers, give it absolutely everything for 5k and see how that compares to last week in the Vibrams. If my half-arsed theories are anywhere close to right I'll be around 30 seconds, possibly more, off PB pace.

Ladyrunner and Moylebird have threatened to drag me out to run a section of the 100 mile South Downs Relay course on Sunday. I'll warn them now, it'll be remarkably slow.

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

21-04-2011, 02:42 PM,
RE: April 2011
(21-04-2011, 10:50 AM)Sweder Wrote: Ladyrunner and Moylebird have threatened to drag me out to run a section of the 100 mile South Downs Relay course on Sunday. I'll warn them now, it'll be remarkably slow.

Moylebird coming round to mine at 8:30am. See you there? Twelve slow miles hopefully. Hope it is slow as want to mix running and walking if possible. Big Grin
Almeria Half Marathon 2017
The Grizzly 2017
That's it for now!!
24-04-2011, 12:05 PM, (This post was last modified: 27-04-2011, 08:30 AM by Sweder.)
RE: April 2011
As foretold here the ParkRun experiment fell flat on it's sun-burned face. I duly lined up on Saturday, stapped into my canoe-like Connemara road shoes, and went off like a train. The train ran out of steam roughly two minutes later as the sun scorched down and the previous days' barbeque and Guinness conspired with gravity to take a hold. I chuffed in a good minute and a half slower than last week and I doubt the shoes had anything to do with it.

This morning I hooked up with Ladyrunner, Moylebird and Judith to run a section of the South Downs 100 mile relay from Washington (near Steyning). Despite another cloudless sky there was enough of a cool breeze to give us hope. My quads were playing up after yesterday's 5k, something that did not happen last week. Hmm. Maybe some shoe-related findings to report after all. Sadly any scientific merit was soon left dripping into the dry, stony trail as I laboured horribly after my companions.

Fifteen plus kilometres later I fell asleep in the car on the way back to Brighton. Our route had taken in part of the Steyning Stinger, joining halfway up the second sting. The girls wanted to add mileage once we'd reached the end of the planned stage (this section to be run on the day by Moylebird). I opted to lean wearily on a sturdy fence to let a torrent of ugly sweat run off my sagging belly as the girls gobbled up another hill, picking me up on the return journey.

My quads, sore before we started, sang to high heaven on the way back. They felt like ground hamburger, soft and impossibly bruised, especially so on the sun-baked, unyielding descent back down the 'sting'. They didn't hurt this much after the Connemarathon. Yes, I AM daft to take on such a distance with so little weekly mileage behind me. Yes, I WILL adjust my outings to allow for a more gentle increase in distance over the next few weeks. Now for a much-needed soak in the restorative waters of Seaford.

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

27-04-2011, 11:20 AM, (This post was last modified: 27-04-2011, 11:23 AM by William_Shakespeare.)
Concerneth: April 2011
'Sting', where is thy death? Forsooth, methinks t'would surpriseth all to see Sweder troubled so. But daft, sirrah? Pray, no.

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