
Full Version: Missing March ... and, er ... February.
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Boy, where did those last few weeks go? After a superlative January, in which I clocked up more than 150 kilometres, I was all fired up to continue the running mayhem through February and March, but instead a string of events manifested itself which reduced my February mileage to somewhat less than 150km ( Undecided ) and my March mileage to zero. If, that is, you don't count running between panic-stricken chaotic episodes and fighting the tide of angst-riddled maelstroms of uncertainty and powerlessness. Suffice to say that my RC-quietness has been the result of a combination of work, both paid and unpaid, and minor, but time-consuming disasters, such as floods, tree branches punching holes in the roof, gale-force winds ripping the sides off my shed and even a power surge destroying my computer (and, on that score, let me assure you that surge-arresting power boards don't necessarily bloody-well work!)... and well, the next thing you know, 7 weeks of my life have disappeared somewhere in a misty fug and the running shoes have gathered enough dust to render them indistinguishable from the box of old photos and Christmas cards I also keep under the bed.

Anyway, perhaps unusually for me, the imposed lay-off has not dampened my enthusiasm at all, but like some perambulatory acnestis, it remains an itch I cannot scratch. Not, at least, until the current season of insurance claims, real estate transactions, weddings, funerals and other property and family-related Himalayan-like matters have been well and truly sort out.

Sad to say I haven't even caught up with everyone's postings here, so I've no idea how well the Brighton / FLM / Connemara et al training has gone. Hopefully I can catch up with some of that over the coming days. Sadly however, it looks to be another couple of weeks at least before the chaos settles and I can get back into some sort of routine myself.

Anyway, I must get back to doing some (paid) work, time from which I have had to crib to write this much.

Adieu, fellow run-lovers. Smile
Good to hear from you MLCM, even if your running progress has been... sub-optimal. Great news though that you are keen to get back out there. I hope you can get back to a relatively more sensible pace of life soon, and pick up where you left off a couple of months ago.

BTW, you haven't missed much on the training front over here... Blush
You keep your running shoes under the bed? I'd never get away with that, though I like the idea that you can slide out of your pit directly into your runners Big Grin

Good to hear from you. Sorry life has decided to give you a kicking, but as Dan says you've not missed much here apart from the return of SP to the running fold, Dan's inexorable march to costumed greatness and a sorry catalogue of injuries.
Glad you've not lost your mojo MLC, I did begin to wonder.

So sorry to hear about your catalogue of woes MLCM, maybe a little running would introduce a little oasis of calm for you. Dust the underbed fluff off your trainers (well, they'd be fluffy by now if it was my house;-) and have a trot out in the sunshine. Great to have you back.