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Run Fat Boy, Run
07-10-2008, 09:29 PM,
Run Fat Boy, Run
I'm watching this, agape, on TV right now.

Is it the most pathetic film of all time, or is there really something worse out there?

Excruciatingly awful.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
07-10-2008, 11:27 PM,
Run Fat Boy, Run
We are, on this at least, of one mind.

I started watching this with my thirteen year old daughter the other night.
'Dad, I know this is supposed to be about running, but it's cr*p; can we turn it over?' We did. I don't recall what was on but it was infinitely better.

I was going to take issue with the endless stream of misguided drivel that seeped out from this piss-poor effort, but that would be to credit it with having anything to do with running. Let's just say if it pops up on your TV screen rush to put on the history of QPR's* least interesting goalless draws; you'll be doing yourself a favour.

[SIZE="1"]* I'd've said Lewes but we'd bite your arm off for a goalless draw just at the moment :o[/SIZE]

Simon Pegg - is it me or is he really just not at all funny? At all. Ever.
Hot Fuzz - the fat bloke got all the good gags.
Sean Of The Dead - a one-joke movie that lasted two hours.
Er, haven't seen anything else of his - ooh, Spaced was quite funny.
There it is then; Simon Pegg, was quite funny in a TV sitcom once.

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph


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