Salutations from down under
24-03-2004, 02:29 AM,
Salutations from down under
Having just caught up with the last two weeks worth of entries here, and being short of time, I just wanted to say you are all AWESOME RUNNING WARRIORS and I feel thoroughly ashamed and embarrassed at my own own pitiful efforts of late, but inspired by you runningcommentary heroes, I will shortly be out there once more pounding the roads and giving Mr.Asics his dues. The weather here is gorgeous now so I really have no excuse. Well actually, I have a bag full of 'em, but none that are satisfactory. Except the one about the girl from Mozambique and the golf buggy. That's pretty good.

But I'll save that for another occasion.

Well done everyone - you're my heroes!

(Now also suffering mid-life crawler syndrome)...

P.S. This is my first entry that makes no mention of beer!
P.P.S. Except for the P.S. that is. Does that count?
Run. Just run.
25-03-2004, 12:50 PM,
Salutations from down under
Why the no mention of beer until the p.s? Hope you're not coming down with something? Are you off your food as well? If you're feeling a bit low I'd recommend a decent pint or two of Guiness, full of vitamins and iron...
Phew this is hard work !

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