typical *!!!****
12-02-2004, 12:48 PM,
typical *!!!****
It was such a lovely day yesterday that I decided to run outside instead of my usual lunchtime treadmill session - big mistake, was feeling absolutely great after about 3 miles - best I have felt since having the flu, was running back to work down the main road, glanced over my shoulder when approaching the ESSO garage to check for incoming vehicles when I twisted my ankle down a hole in the pavement - ouch, expletive, expletive, managed hobble the mile back to work, but couldn't locate any ice or a crepe bandage, but a kind soul in our refectory gave me a bag of frozen chips to put on it!!!!

Did the 'rice' treatment last night and have hobbled in to work today, but its not looking good for the Wilmslow half next month, to add insult to injury, its my birthday tomorrow and I think my husband has got me a Garmin jobby, I shall be a sick as the preverbial parrot if I he does but I can't get out and play with it - could it record how far I limp perhaps???

As far as I'm concerned the 'ESSO Sign doesn't make for very happy running' - that dates me doesn't it.

I shall now read all your training diaries and achieve a little vicarious running....!
Phew this is hard work !
12-02-2004, 01:33 PM,
typical *!!!****
Having just got back from my first run in 12 days after a metatarsal strain in my left foot, I know how frustrating it is to get injured shortly before a race. The only positive I can throw at it is that the first run back after injury felt bloody fantastic - making me realise how beneficial a rest break can be... hopefully for you as well.

Of course it hardly compensates for the pain and frustration of the injury... a trip to your local wine merchant might just about do it though. You'll doubtless get plenty of training advice along those lines from Andy et al....

Recover soon!

MLC Man.
Run. Just run.
12-02-2004, 10:53 PM,
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Hmm. Sorry to hear about the injury S/W, but I hope you didn't restrict the duties of that bag of chips to medical matters only.

Seriously, a twisted ankle needn't be too bad. Often the shock of the incident, the immediate pain and the fears about damage are the worst things, and all of these can be temporary. Yes, the 'RICE' treatment is good, and general rest, but often the discomfort passes naturally within a day or two. But you won't know for another day or so whether it's a bad 'un or not.

We're all rooting for you. I can see you know, bursting through that finish-line tape at Wilmslow, ahead of the despairing lunge of Paula Radcliffe and those grimacing Kenyans.

You'll love your Garmin. Don't worry that your relationship might be delayed for a day or two. You can lie there on your sick-bed, beaming demurely at each other over Valentine's weekend...

And happy birthday. My wedding anniversary, incidentally. Here's to a good day to both of us. I'm planning to get mildly drunk, and I suggest you do the same. As MLCM says, you'll benefit from the rest.

El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
13-02-2004, 08:56 AM,
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Thank you MLCM and Andy for your kind words of encouragement! Yes I shall certainly get a little drunk this evening, following a hopefully great curry on Manchester's curry mile...

Can't wait to start my Garmin - didn't have time to read the instructions before work this morning, hopefully get it on charge tonight and then set the satellite tomorrow.

As for the ankle, well, it's a very pretty colour right down to my toes, but the swelling has gone down considerably
and isn't as painful as I feared it might be, I shall be using it in as normal fashion as possible walking around today and give it the bucket of hot and then cold water tonight before heading out for hedonisitic delights...

Have a great weekend everyone.
Phew this is hard work !
13-02-2004, 02:49 PM,
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I hope you´ll get better soon, Stillwaddler, so that you can go for a run again and start your Garmin. I also wish you a very happy birthday.

A very happy wedding anniversary, Andy, too.

Feliz cumpleaños, Stillwaddler. Feliz aniversario, Andy.

Greetings from Almería. Saludos desde Almería.


13-02-2004, 03:42 PM,
typical *!!!****
Thank you very much for the birthday greetings - forgot to say earlier - Happy Anniversary Andy - are we allowed to know how many years??
Phew this is hard work !
13-02-2004, 11:53 PM,
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Yeah, it's only 5 years. I sowed a lot of wild oats, and thought I'd never get married.

Then one day, well, I decided to cash in my chips in case my luck ran out.

That doesn't sound very romantic, does it?

Ha ha!

Ironic, as I am a romantic sort of chap. M is very lucky to have a fellow like me round the house, in my view.

(Just joking, S/W, just joking......)
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
16-02-2004, 09:02 AM,
typical *!!!****
You're still at the honeymoon stage! Hope you had I good time on Friday, - I did and got the Forerunner - hoooray - took it for a limp on Saturday morning and managed to linp up 16minute /miles, ankle now loads better, I've treated it to more ice and immersion in 3 minutes hot water, followed by 1 minute cold to attmept to get the healing going, seems to be working, will be attempting a little treadmill therapy at lunchtime. I now have the problem of what to name my little running companion? How is _colin by the way?
Phew this is hard work !
16-02-2004, 08:23 PM,
typical *!!!****
_colin is very well-behaved, and I'm very pleased with him.

Did you know you can now download some updated software plus the logbook software that produces little maps for you, and even tells you the elevation profile of your run? Check it out at http://www.garmin.com. Find the Forerunner page and find the 2 files to download.

The other one adds some features to the little fellow, like the ability to set intervals. and a few other bits.

Glad to hear the ankle's on the mend. Don't be tempted to do anything too strenuous before you're ready.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
17-02-2004, 09:13 AM,
typical *!!!****
Quote:Originally posted by andy
_colin is very well-behaved, and I'm very pleased with him.

Did you know you can now download some updated software plus the logbook software that produces little maps for you, and even tells you the elevation profile of your run? Check it out at http://www.garmin.com. Find the Forerunner page and find the 2 files to download.

The other one adds some features to the little fellow, like the ability to set intervals. and a few other bits..........


It has to be said; you really should get out more Big Grin
17-02-2004, 11:52 AM,
typical *!!!****

Andy, as a responsible pet owner, you should take _colin out for more exercise, otherwise you'll have the RSPC_Colin onto you.
Run. Just run.

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