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Speedy Santa game
22-12-2004, 01:33 PM,
Speedy Santa game
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
22-12-2004, 08:12 PM,
Speedy Santa game
OK Big Man, what's your best lap time . . .

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

22-12-2004, 11:21 PM,
Speedy Santa game
Not that good, Sweder. I got it down to about 15 seconds this afternoon, but after a few glasses of Rosemount Shiraz this evening, that's unaccountably increased to about 35.....
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
23-12-2004, 04:39 PM,
Speedy Santa game
9.032. Very happy with that, until I saw this ranks me 32,120th in the World.
Seems my Santa guidance skills are on a par with my running abilities.

I e-mailed a mate in Tokyo with the link last night and awoke to about 7 e-mails sent through the night. The last one questioned the validity of my parentage. There's no pleasing some folks . . .

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

23-12-2004, 10:41 PM,
Speedy Santa game
Have you noticed that you can have a league.....

El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
27-12-2004, 01:52 PM,
Speedy Santa game
You're all absolutely pathetic... I managed to kill Santa in under half a second.

BTW Andy, was that the diamond label Rosemount shiraz, or something rather better?
Run. Just run.
27-12-2004, 03:44 PM,
Speedy Santa game
I think it was just the basic one, MLCM. It was reasonable, but nothing special.

Rosemount was the one of the first Australian wineries to make an impact here back in the early 80s. The Rosemount Chardonnay they were shipping then was an instant classic. Since then of course we've been inundated with Ozzie wine, much of it bog-standard, but some of it truly great. It's a while since I've drunk really top Australian wine. One of the best tastings I ever went to when I was in the wine business back in the 80s, was a small Penfold's tasting, tutored by Don Ditter, the then Chief Winemaker at Penfold's. We tastes about 12 vintages of Grange Hermitage, one of the best wines I ever drank. I remember him saying wistfully: "Just one glass of Grange is like a 3 course meal and a bloody fine cigar". How true.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
27-12-2004, 11:03 PM,
Speedy Santa game
Hopefully now that the Aussie dollar is strengthening, we'll stop exporting quite so much bog standard stuff. Some of the gunk sent OS is not far removed from the Monty Python sketch ... remember the Hobart Muddy and the Chateau Chunder? We know what it's like because when you chaps refuse to buy it, they re-label any remaining stock as "Shareholder's Specials" and flog it for $20 a dozen and write it off as a big tax loss.

Of course Grange on the other hand - well that's our way of apologising and compensating for that other Aussie export, Rolf Harris.

Cheaper, too.
Run. Just run.
28-12-2004, 09:22 AM,
Speedy Santa game
Well, bog standard Australian is still pretty drinkable compared to the European equivalents in my view.

Second, lay off Rolf! We long ago forgave him for "Two Little Boys". He's reinvented himself, and we all love him now. Perhaps this says more about us than him....
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
28-12-2004, 01:49 PM,
Speedy Santa game
andy Wrote:Second, lay off Rolf! We long ago forgave him for "Two Little Boys". He's reinvented himself, and we all love him now. Perhaps this says more about us than him....

I almost liked his cover of "Stairway To Heaven" until he claimed to have never heard the song until asked to record his version of it. Either the guy is a complete dill or he's a genius with a clever marketing guru. He does do a good painting though I must admit.
Run. Just run.
28-12-2004, 02:43 PM,
Speedy Santa game
Don't forget Animal Hospital, Rolf's master stroke in his bid for TV Domination.
The Bearded One touched the heart of a pet-mad nation with his tearful commentaries as old ladies waited news of their beloved companion (usually an ancient, bedraggled terrier named Trixie). Example:

Rolf (to surgeon): How's it going?
Surgeon: It doesn't look good, Rolf. I think Trixie's buried her last bone. The kindest thing would be to put her to sleep.
Harris (fighting the tears, sniffing madly): OK Doc, I'll break the news to poor Edna

(Rolf picks up a large flat board and heads for the waiting room where an expectant and plainly distressed Edna is wringing her hands)

Rolf: Err, Edna? Got some news about Trixie m'love
Edna: Hmmm? How is she, how's my little Trixie-wixie? Will she be alright?
Rolf (holding the board in both hands to one side, flexing it to produce his trademark percussion sound,
singing to the tune of 'tie me kangeroo down'):
Had to put your dog down, dear, had to put your dog down . . .

(Cut to hospital staff swaying and clapping in the background)

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

28-12-2004, 04:34 PM,
Speedy Santa game
Ah the Wobble Board! A wonderful instrument that only Our Rolf seems to have been able to master, ditto the Stylaphone.

I remember seeing one episode of Animal Hospital, where a distressed little girl bought in an animal that had clearly lost an argument with a car, there was blood and fur everywhere. It was rushed passed Rolf and taken straight into surgery…

Rolf to camera: So the vet is going to take an initial look so see the extent of the damage. At this stage due to the injuries I can’t even be sure even what kind of animal it is! Let’s go take a look.

Rolf to vet: So what is your first job when being confronted with an animal in this condition?

Vet: well clearly some animals require different treatment so now I’m just making an initial diagnosis.

Rolf, staring at mangled animal for first time: Jeez. Can you guess what it is yet? Big Grin

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