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March Madness
03-03-2008, 02:49 PM,
March Madness
A weekend run of 8 miles was planned. Saturday morning saw gale force winds so decided to postpone it until Sunday morning - Mother's Day! Big mistake, after a jolly evening with Daughter of Stillwaddler at a Sing Along to the Sound of Music - don't ask! - preceded and followed by quaffing quantities of alcohol, I still had the dreaded run to do and the weather if anything was worse. Prevaricated for a while, listened to the Archers, adjusted clothing, but eventually there was nothing for it, I just had to go out and get it done.

To keep it simple, I decided to go on a straight out for 4miles and back again. Trouble is, I had forgotten that the route involved a two-mile hill, and I’m not joking. Managed to stagger up the hill, passing huge streams of traffic that were stuck in road works, pausing to use a conveniently (!) placed Porta loo and slurp down a gel. Turned round into the full force of the gale, honestly it was as hard to run back down the hill than it had been to waddle up it. A very slow 8 miles, but 8 miles that are banked never the less.

Because it was Mother’s Day, number two son ran me a luxurious bubble bath for my return and number one son cooked supper – can’t be bad.

Link below is to what must be must be one of the ultimate ultras.

You might like the link to the “Great Kinder Beer Challenge” on the same page :-)
03-03-2008, 05:22 PM,
March Madness
Eek Blimey!!! makes the Two Oceans look like a training run . . .
What a fantastic run.

Good on you for getting out there when you had stacks of excuses lined up SW Smile Some say that 8 miles in those conditons is worth 10 on a good day. I for one whole-heartedly agree Wink

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph


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