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USA stuff
15-08-2007, 03:16 PM,
USA stuff
Not an awful lot of running was done while we were in the States, but we did make an effort to do a bit. Our runs in view of the Rocky Mountains in the early morning light were very pleasant but quite hard work with the altitude working against us, definitely a time to gulp in as much air as possible to maximise the little oxygen available. Was far too hot in Colorado to run after about 10 o’clock in the morning.

Running shoe shopping was very successful with me managing to get a pair of my precious but now discontinued favourite New Balance for $46!! (Interestingly, I always thought that New Balance were an English make and are manufactured here, these were manufactured in the US?) Mr SW got his favourite Asics for $70 could usefully do a little export business with the great exchange rate at the moment.

After an epic 2 day train journey all through the Rockies, Utah, Nevada and California mountains to San Franciso it was back down to sea level. Our hotel was at the corner of Union Square and Powell, so we decided to bite the bullet and run up Powell Street, over Knob Hill (love that name;-) ) and then down to the quays and back. Wow, those hills are steep, see the attached. Bit annoying having to stop for the little white man to appear to cross the road at the many intersections but it was worth it. Spent most of the 6 days there tramping about when we weren’t hopping on and off trams, trolley buses etc.

Back to Colorado to a little place called Golden, for the wedding of the daughter of some friends. Another very pleasant early morning run along Clear Creek, the water from which feeds the Coors brewery. Incidentally, the wedding was planned to be outdoors in a lovely country park with the most fantastic view, but guess what, it rained, so everything had to be moved indoors to where the reception was to be held – typical. There were quite a lot of visitors from England so we all got blamed for bringing the weather with us.

What with the amount of beer that we have drunk - found some very acceptable micro brewery ales – and the huge portions that Americans enjoy, have returned with a couple of spare tyres – should that be tires as I acquired them over there?? Jet lag has all but gone and I have had a few shaky runs. I am determined to lose the flab and maybe do the Trafford 10k in September? Still thinking about that one.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
22-08-2007, 01:14 PM,
USA stuff
Dear SW, congratulations for you new avatar. How did you get it?

Nice your trip and your shopping. It is a pity that we didn't know at avance that there were sold-out by Acsis (specially SP).

Excellent the small runs. It is normal that you haven't got too much time for running on holidays, at least, you has do a little bit. Great!
Ana Smile
23-08-2007, 11:49 AM,
USA stuff
The picture was taken outside the infamous Guinness brewery in fair Dublin city which we visited last yearSmile Where we were of course forced to try out the results of their brewing methodsWink
23-08-2007, 12:18 PM,
USA stuff
What an brave effort...
Uhmmmmm, Dublin city, let me note it in my Agenda.... Cool I will get one of them probably one day in my life Rolleyes
Ana Smile

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