Marathons next year
16-12-2004, 10:12 AM,
Marathons next year
[QUOTE=sampedro] I run two marahons so far, San Sebastian 2003 3:29 and Madrid 2004 3:27.

Wow, a real runner! Welcome sampedro Smile
Run. Just run.
16-12-2004, 02:14 PM,
Marathons next year
Yo Sampedro - you sure you're in the right place, dude?
I mean, like, 3:27 - that's a half way time, right?

Seriously, nice to see you on the forum. Echo MLC's comments -
nice to see a runner on the board.

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

16-12-2004, 09:26 PM,
Marathons next year
Welcome, Sampedro. It´s nice to have another Spaniard around here. Congratulations on your time in both marathons. I also took part at Madrid marathon last year but I just managed to finish in 5 hours 10 minutes. It was hot and hilly but the atmosphere was great. I´ve never run Seville marathon but I´ve heard it is very flat and the temperature at the end of October must be quite nice.

Saludos desde Almería Greetings from Almería


17-12-2004, 08:03 AM,
Marathons next year
Anlu, Madrid 2004 was very hard because of the high temperature and the course, the final kilometres are really hard going up until the end. I was about to quit more than once because i went too fast in the first half.
The Seville Marathon is suposed to be a fast course, almost flat. It´s scheduled for the last sunday of february (27th this year).
Well guys, have a nice weekend plenty of miles and take care....
17-12-2004, 04:24 PM,
Marathons next year
I missed out on London. Earlier I was looking at the Barca marathon actually but the Seville one looks good too.
22-12-2004, 09:37 PM,
Marathons next year
I still haven't made a committment yet. I've been quite the slacker since running Chicago and Detroit within two weeks of each other, but I'm starting to get the urge to get back at it consistantly. Right now I'm considering Fargo, North Dakota (their first year for a full marathon but they've had an excellent half for several years), Napa Valley and a few others. Andy, I thought we were going to do Dublin together this year? Smile

I'm switching off of Hal's programs to one by physiologist Dr Jack Daniels. I read his book Daniels' Running Formula and it is very, very scientific. A friend of mine ran a 3:23 in May then used the Daniels formula and ran a 3:10 in October. 13 minutes in five months is huge. Especially when you consider how fast he was to begin with. His approach is based on years of research and several very scientific formulas based on Max VO2 and other factors. We'll see if it works as well as I hope. I suppose step one would be to pick a race though, eh?
22-12-2004, 11:16 PM,
Marathons next year
Hi Rick, great to hear from you.

My plan for 2005 is Hamburg in the spring and something else in the autumn - sorry "the fall"....

At present, Dublin is very much my later target. My only hesitation is that I've publicly announced in the last 2 years that I'd be doing Dublin, and on both occasions it's fallen through. I'm definitely keen to do it, and if you think you can make it over, that would be great. If it comes off, we won't, of course, be "doing it together".... I suspect I'd be around 90 minutes behind you at least. But I would hope to recover my pride once the Guinness guzzling begins later on...

If you can't make it in 2005 I'd still hope to do Dublin, though I'll decide nearer the time. My good friend Richard Bampfield did the Medoc Marathon this year and wrote a great report about it, so that's another possibility, if Dublin falls through. (In wine terms, Medoc is to France what Napa is to the USA.)

Have a good Christmas Rick, and please keep dropping in.

(Rick is one of my several American friends I always worry about offending when I'm rude about George W Bush, so I'm always relieved when he reappears....)
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
23-12-2004, 12:05 AM,
Marathons next year
Andy, I remered that you had to bow out of Dublin so my comment was in jest...mostly. I'd love to do Dublin but now that my oldest has started college my responsible side (the side of me that I wish would shut up and let me do the fun things) has me shipping most of my "disposable income" to Purdue University. Perhaps in 2006?

As for the George W jokes, fire away. He's an idiot and I wouldn't trust him to take care of my dog. Unfortunately, I honestly don't think Kerry was much better. I especially liked the joke about George at the primary school! I've used that one several times since I read it here.

Good running and merry Christmas to all!

23-12-2004, 12:18 AM,
Marathons next year
Thanks Rick. Seasonal greetings to all our friends in the Chicago area.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
05-01-2005, 07:27 PM,
Marathons next year
Its my 1st time on this forum so hello everybody. I will be doing the Belfast Marathon in May. Never been before so if anyone has any info I`am all ears.
05-01-2005, 11:11 PM,
Marathons next year
Hi Glugg - you're very welcome.

I did look into Belfast at one time, partly because I've never visited it, and a marathon is a great way to discover a new city. I've not heard of any Belfast marathoners on here, but you never know.

Do stick around and keep us updated. I'd love to know more about the race myself.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
15-01-2005, 05:05 PM,
Marathons next year
By some stroke of extreme luck /ill fate - not sure I happened to get a place in FLM 05 - my firts marathon - alittle bit scared to say the least - but as my longest run so far was 19 miles I'm fairly confident I can finish it - in what time is the question?
What kind of times is everyone aiming for - for their 05 marathons?
15-01-2005, 05:35 PM,
Marathons next year
Hi PP. Well, my first FLM was 2003, and like you my only worry was to get round, which I did. I shouldn't worry too much about time - FLM is extremely crowded at 'our end' and it's very difficult to get the steady start needed for a good time.

For the record I finished in 04:31. Last year 04:18, and this year I'd love to break 04:10. The secret seems to be steady build-up and avoiding injury and illness - easier said than done!

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

15-01-2005, 05:44 PM,
Marathons next year
Hi Sweder-
Did you follow a training schedule for previous marathons - and are you using one this year - i've satrted following the Runners world 3.30 schedule ( a bit on the ambitious side ) but I've been running 5 days a wek with weekly mileage at about 40 miles +/- so it dosen't seem too hard at the momment - I'm giving it a go with a promise to myself that if my body complains too much - I'll lessen the pressure / take up an easier sched. we'll see. Are you doing many pre- mara races - ie - Sussex beacon half in Feb. or similar?
15-01-2005, 06:06 PM,
Marathons next year
I didn't follow any particular schedules for previous Marathons.
I'm doing about 30 miles per week at the moment including a track session once a week, hill work, offroad runs (to protect the joints!) and roadwork. In other words, a mixed bag. I'll up the mileage each week by adding to my Sunday slog (this week 12, next week 12, then up to 14, 16, 20 up to 23).

I've entered the Almeira Half (end of Jan) and will enter the Sussex Beacon half again - I've used this as a yardstick for the FLM for the past 2 years. Running halves and 10K races is excellent preparation, if only to get accustomed to running in large groups. It can be tough to pace yourself when people start whizzing off at the start, and these races help you develop raceday discipline as well as practicing water stations and sharpening your elbows Smile

If you're up to 16 mile long runs already I'd say you're well ahead of any schedule I've seen. It's hard to know if sub 3:30 is over ambitious as I don't know your best Half time, and even then quick halves don't always translate into quick Marathons. My best half time is 01:50:53 (last years Beacon) which some say should translate into a 4 hour Marathon, but it all depends how you are on the day.

Stick to your schedule and vary your training to include speed work and you'll do fine.

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

17-01-2005, 01:41 PM,
Marathons next year
Thanks for the tips Sweder- I have been running long only since the beginning of last summer - so have only run 1 half marathon so far - Barns Green ( great race have you ever done it?) in 1 hour 55 mins -( not very fast I know -I've put ina good few months training since then though- with my longest run of 19 miles taking 2hr.55 at an easy pace. Hoping to do a half mara. in Dorset 6th of Feb. - so I suppose that will give me some indication of what I'm now caopable of -
Bet the weather will be nice in Almeria for your half - end of Jan are there many of you doing it?
17-01-2005, 01:45 PM,
Marathons next year
Please excuse the terrible spelling - speed typing is not my forte!!
17-01-2005, 05:05 PM,
Marathons next year
I believe there's a team of 5 from RC running Almeira including Seafront Plodder, Andy and Antonio, our host member. I hope it'll be warm and a little drier than here - I'm looking out into the evening gloom and drizzle thinking about a 40 minute recovery run Sad

01:55 is a healthy enough time for a half. My best is 01:50 (Brighton last year) - admittedly I've only entered three and I'm hoping to crack 1:50 at this years' Sussex Beacon in February. Of course if I don't get my finger out and post the entry form I won't be in it at all . . .

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

17-01-2005, 05:20 PM,
Marathons next year
Team captain - Andy "Bottomless Expense Account" Commentary
Vice Captain - Nigel "I don't train much" Platt
Overseas Contingent - Suzie "I'm not a Lumberjack" q
Small Member - Seafront "I train less than Nigel" Plodder
Even Smaller Member - Swe "I write Loads Me" der
Host - Anlu "Had Had" 247

looking forward to it guys?
17-01-2005, 05:39 PM,
Marathons next year
. . . err . . . 6, then.
Can't wait! I can, however, wait for my run tonight.
It's rotten out there.

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph


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