For those sick of winter...
14-02-2004, 01:35 PM,
For those sick of winter...
We down here in the antipodes are suffering one of the worst heatwaves ever... this afternoon we recorded the hottest temperature I've ever experienced... 44.3 degrees C (112 F) in the shade. Needless to say the only running I did was to the fridge and then back to the pool... exercise of a kind I suppose but hardly the preparation I was expecting for my 10K race next weekend.

Given the choice, I think I'd opt for your snow and ice, after all, it's easier to warm up than to cool down. Yes we have air-conditioning, but it struggled to be effective in any meaningful sense in this onslaught.

So damn hot I can't even think of anything funny to say. It's now past midnight local time and the temp is still in the high 30s... little chance of sleep, but still too darn hot to run, especially after 38 beers, 3 Serapax and a Mogadon.

Please send ice.

MLC Man.
Run. Just run.

Messages In This Thread
For those sick of winter... - by Mid Life Crisis Marathon Man - 14-02-2004, 01:35 PM
For those sick of winter... - by El Gordo - 15-02-2004, 09:45 AM

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