Autumn Blues
08-10-2003, 10:02 PM,
Autumn Blues

It's the time of year. And the thought of the hard slogs through the winter. Very occasionally there are those crisp sunny mornings when your senses are tuned in and you think, " I'm glad i do this running lark, to witness all this on the outside rather than from that armchair".

Thats why i do it anyway.

09-10-2003, 07:57 PM,
Autumn Blues
Hi Pollard, nice to drag you off email. I agree with you - I think. I've not been running long but my most memorable runs have been in cool or cold weather. It's something of a cliché to say it but it's wonderful to find yourself out on a long run on a crisp, wintry, Sunday morning. Once you get through that freezing first half mile, it's just great. I remember a January run this year that was just amazing.

(In fact, I've just reread it. It's here: Jan 5 2003 )

That said, I still find that turning that corner between Summer and Autumn a bit of a gloomy point in the calendar. I'll get over it....
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
10-10-2003, 06:48 AM,
Autumn Blues

If you don't get over it and its terminal can i have your Timex Gps? And what size shoes are you? I'm a 101/2.....

10-10-2003, 07:14 AM,
Autumn Blues
101 or 102? Crikey, what a pair of whoppers -- as a whole generation of seaside postcard characters said to each other.

So I can't help much in the shoe department I'm afraid but I'll try to put you down for my SDM. Trouble is, this autumnal downer means I can't be bothered to adjust my will....
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
10-10-2003, 06:22 PM,
Autumn Blues

Anything else i could won't be needing the laptop tho!

"Happy running this weekend"


(101 mm that is, i was brought up in Japan)

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