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Feelng Glum - stillwaddler - 02-03-2004

Well, this time last week I thought my sprained ankle collected the week before Valentines Day had healed, so began some training, achieved approx. 17 miles over the 5 days or so, mostly on the tread mill to give the ankle a fighting chance of keeping straight. I was feeling good and on track for the Wilmslow half this month....Yes well, that was last week, Saturday morning, the ankle was really stiff and painful and I only managed a short shuffle to the shops on Sunday, in fact a .8 of a mile shuffle according to my sadly under-utilised Forerunner. So what to do? I plan to scrap the running altogether for a week and just try and maintain some fitness on a bike - exercise or realtime - and then maybe take a rain check. I will be bitterly disappointed not to do the half on the 23rd.

I suppose what I really need to know is if I will do the ankle any permanent damage by using it before the pain has subsided or whether I should just strap it up and get on with it?? Any thoughts anyone??

Funny I never dreamt a couple of years ago that I would miss going for a run! !

Feelng Glum - Seafront Plodder - 02-03-2004

Sorry to hear about your ankle SW, and I'm by no means an expert but.....

I usually go by whether I can run off the pain/ache, or whether it remains or gets worse.

The former and I'll plod on. Thankfully I've never had the latter but I personally wouldn't run in continuous pain or discomfort.

A visit to a sports physio may be money well spent.


Feelng Glum - stillwaddler - 02-03-2004

Thanks for the encouragement SP - I always view your postings with a more than a tad of nostalgia, you run in my home town and I would love the opportunity to do my training along the promenade - ah - sigh.

Good idea about the sports physiotherapist I think my dearly beloved has a Bupa membership for the family courtesy of work, we are usually disgustingly healthy and haven't needed it, but I may well be able to see a physio, will check it out, that is if I can get an appointment with my GP for a referral, but that's another story...

Have just completed about 15 miles on the gym bike, whilst reading Morse...

Feelng Glum - Riazor Blue - 04-03-2004

Sounds like youv'e damaged the ligaments. Some kind of anti-inflammatory should help. Ibuprofen for example. See the doctor for something stronger and more rapid, explain to him about the race etc.

You're best off not running on it if it's painful.

Feelng Glum - El Gordo - 06-03-2004

I hope the ankle is improving, SW.

I didn't post any advice because I'm always reluctant to give advice on this sort of thing. I want to say all sorts of encouraging things to make you feel better, but that may well not be the right information.

I can only proffer the obvious advice to seek professional help, and to say that in general, if you're in pain, your body is warning you about something.

Good luck, and do keep us updated.



Feelng Glum - Antonio247 - 06-03-2004

Good luck with your sprained ankle, Stillwaddler. I hope you´ll get better soon and can go on running.

Greetings from Almería.
