April Angst - Printable Version

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April Angst - Mid Life Crisis Marathon Man - 04-04-2005

Just a quick message to say that I am still alive. Alive and kicking in fact. Sadly however, I have had to move to a distant and remote part of the planet (Tasmania to be precise) where I have little access to the internet and even less time to access it. Which is not to say Tasmania is a backward place at all - far from it - but new work constraints have precluded me from my usual and normal relatively constant access to the broadband window on the world, and hence my utter silence of late.

Of running, it has to be said that things have gone backward. I am working 6 day weeks at present and knackered beyond belief. This will settle down however and I have at least done some reconnaisance work on likely running sites, of which there quite a few.

In the meantime I have done my best to keep healthy and RC is very much in my mind as I contemplate possible running sites in my new locale.

Hoping to post again soon with better running news...

Antipodean regards,

MLC Man.

April Angst - Sweder - 04-04-2005

Hey MLCman, good to see you back here. We've missed your twisted perspective. To be honest things have been generally pretty quiet on RC land, partly due to a technical issue that I'm sure drove Andy to distraction.

Good luck with the new adventure. Write when you can.