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Last run? - MissChampers - 28-09-2005

With only 4 days until BHM I did an easy 30 min run this morning and according to the training plan I should do another 30 easy run on Friday. I was just wondering if I should bother doing the Friday run as it's so close to the race and I remember last year I did a Friday run and my finishing time wasn't as good as previous half marathons. What do you think?

Last run? - El Gordo - 28-09-2005

The theory I suppose is that it helps to keep you loosened up, but I wouldn't have thought that you would be in danger of seizing up between now and Sunday. There is certainly no fitness benefit in training that close to the race. The other reason that a short run is often recommended a day or so before a marathon or half is to sort of stop you going mad. If you don't feel as if you're going mad, then I wouldn't bother.

Good luck for Sunday.

Last run? - JP the Dream Chaser - 28-09-2005


I have experimented with lots of things over the past 12 years. My best method is to run my final trot on a Thursday for a Sunday race. I normally do 4-5 miles with about 4 x 100m strides (a sort of build up to a sprint and build down again, all in the 100m).

However, you need to try different things each time you race. I met a guy in Lanzarote who says he races best on a Sunday AFTER racing the Saturday!!! That's the incredible difference on the two ends of the scale for people. It's great that we're all different but makes it no easier for newer runners needing advice!

3 days rest would see you right though I am sure. I'm running tomorrow as described above and racing HM on Sunday in Felixstowe, Suffolk, so good luck to both of us eh.

Last run? - MissChampers - 28-09-2005

JP Fuerteventura Wrote:Hi MC

I have experimented with lots of things over the past 12 years. My best method is to run my final trot on a Thursday for a Sunday race. I normally do 4-5 miles with about 4 x 100m strides (a sort of build up to a sprint and build down again, all in the 100m).

However, you need to try different things each time you race. I met a guy in Lanzarote who says he races best on a Sunday AFTER racing the Saturday!!! That's the incredible difference on the two ends of the scale for people. It's great that we're all different but makes it no easier for newer runners needing advice!

3 days rest would see you right though I am sure. I'm running tomorrow as described above and racing HM on Sunday in Felixstowe, Suffolk, so good luck to both of us eh.

Yeah I might do a quickie tomorrow if the weather isn't too bad. I don't suppose I should worry too much, the very first half marathon I did a few years ago I did no training whatsoever and I wasn't even a runner at the time! Because my sister was doing it, I got up that morning and thought sod it i'm gonna give it a go just to prove to myself I could do it. I managed to finish in just over 21/2 hours and I didn't have proper running shoes on! lol

Good luck to you for SundaySmile

Last run? - Mid Life Crisis Marathon Man - 28-09-2005

MissChampers Wrote:...the very first half marathon I did a few years ago I did no training whatsoever...I managed to finish in just over 21/2 hours and I didn't have proper running shoes on! lol

That kind of talk can get a fella killed in a town like this. Lucky you ain't a fella, missy.

Last run? - El Gordo - 28-09-2005

Hmmm. My first half marathon was also "just over 2 1/2 hours", but I'd been religiously training for a marathon for 3 months by then, undergoing all sorts of ritual weekend torture.

The gloves are off, Miss C.

Last run? - stillwaddler - 30-09-2005

into the competitive element that seems to be emerging here, I'll leave it to the youngsters on this board and continue to waddle along in my own still sweet way;-)

Last run? - Tim - 30-09-2005

andy Wrote:Hmmm. My first half marathon was also "just over 2 1/2 hours", but I'd been religiously training for a marathon for 3 months by then, undergoing all sorts of ritual weekend torture.

I joined a running club not long after my first half marathon (that I thought I'd trained hard for). I was pretty pleased with my time of 2:15 until a clubmate rather thoughtlessly said (well I thought so anyway) "2:15? Didn't you train for it?"

I don't know whether some folk are just natural runners or whether It's just an age thing but for some of us, sub 2 hr half marathons don't come easy!

Last run? - Sweder - 01-10-2005

My first half was in Brighton in 2003, 5 weeks after I sprang from my couch to joing SP in his quest for the London Marathon. 1:55:47. The bad news is I've only shaved a little over 5 minutes off that in two years.
Peaked too early?

Last run? - Tim - 02-10-2005

Sweder Wrote:My first half was in Brighton in 2003, 5 weeks after I sprang from my couch to joing SP in his quest for the London Marathon. 1:55:47. The bad news is I've only shaved a little over 5 minutes off that in two years.
Peaked too early?

Well that cheers me up a bit (although it shouldn't) ;-) Running with a club helped me enormously and my half marathon PB is now 1:31 (set last year).

Last run? - Sweder - 02-10-2005

Tim Wrote:Well that cheers me up a bit (although it shouldn't) ;-) Running with a club helped me enormously and my half marathon PB is now 1:31 (set last year).

An impressive improvement Tim. I think the 1:30's are beyond my reach, but given 5 months injury-free I reckon I can achieve mid 1:40's in 2006.
Oh, the folly of public statements . . . Brighton & Reading '06 await.