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I live in a state of perpetual ambivalence about so many things. It's worrying. Or maybe it's a perfectly natural state, indicating objective, mental well-being. Take your pick.

Take marathons, for instance. Being prone to misery and snobbery I would often sneer at organised events. But I recently re-read my Indian diaries and it brought back incredible emotions and memories.

Almost eight months after the event and I'm still dining off the experience. But I wouldn't mind another challenge now; and I don't know what that can be.

I'm not a great fan of marathon training. I don't like the amount of time it takes up. And I don't like that feeling of impending doom if you slip on your schedule.

This time running isn't going to be a priority. I'm going to train as-and-when the opportunity presents itself and jump on the odd event last-minute.

Let's see how far this approach gets me.

I've managed a couple of very hilly 8 milers in the last couple of weeks, which is encouraging, and should mark the beginning of a new running chapter.

I've inherited a polar heart-rate monitor, which is probably wasted on me, but I needed a watch anyway. And I'm going to buy some trail shoes at the weekend.

"Today's a day of big decisions - going to start writing me novel - 2000 words every day, going to start getting up in the morning.
[Looks at his overgrown thumb nail]
I'll cut that for a start. Yes... today's a day of big decisions."
Are you sure? Have a couple of Kingfishers first and think about it for a bit. I mean, it takes a long time to grow a thumb nail...?

As for the running, yeah well, get into it mate. It gives you time to work on plot and character development for your novel.

But don't forget the Kingfishers.