
Full Version: 2006 - December
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I'm having a grogless January too, MLCM. At least until I reach the hotel bar after the Almeria Half.
andy Wrote:I'm having a grogless January too, MLCM. At least until I reach the hotel bar after the Almeria Half.

It's a popular month for it - you're the third person I know giving up alcohol for the month of January. Being the coward I am, I'm easing my way into saintliness by degrees :o

Glad you're not seriously considering quitting the web site though Smile
Mid Life Crisis Man Wrote:It was actually only half a Mogadon.
Forget the Moggies MLCMan . . . according to the Aussie press this morning just watch England bat for a few minutes . . . and you'll be gone Big Grin
Sweder Wrote:Forget the Moggies MLCMan . . . according to the Aussie press this morning just watch England bat for a few minutes . . . and you'll be gone Big Grin

Yep, there goes Collingwood...
andy Wrote:Yep, there goes Collingwood...
. . . and Read . . . Mahmood . . . Harmison . . . Panasar . . .
England's batting line up reminds me of the Countdown music, all slow build up with a sudden flurry of activity at the end.
Mid Life Crisis Man Wrote:I was so disturbed by the prospect of you closing down the site that I had to have three beers, four scotches and a Mogadon to calm down.

But I'm feeling bett...... zzzzz

I too was concerned to read about the possible demise of this website as this is the only running club I’ve ever belonged to. And for me, posting here is a bit like my philosophy regarding pubs. Why waste time going from alehouse to alehouse? Find one you like and stay there…..

Some highlights of 2006.

Andy’s agonizing race against the clock in the Zurich marathon. Brilliant stuff! If Alfred Hitchcock had ever run a marathon and written about it this would have been it.

Mid life crisis man’s bizarre story. The man rises from the dead, does half his training on a treadmill, disappears for days on end into the outback, slays the mighty Mount Wellington and STILL gets the beers in. It could only happen here..

And talking of beer, Sweder’s highly entertaining monologues are the chief reason why I don’t watch telly any more. The Snake and Black Cap have become mythical references from some misty Tolkenesque landscape. The man can describe the steam that pours off a sweaty bulk at the top of a hill in a dozen different poetic ways. Sweder, you’re a Guinness guzzling genius…. And it sounds like you drink buckets of the stuff. I’m not surprised you’ve got a fan club.

I await more instalments over the next 12 months. A happy new year to you all.
Cheers BB. Your own (now increasingly rare, sadly) contributions are always well worth reading too. In fact, I like catching up with all the stuff that gets posted here. The writing styles are as diverse as the stories, but that's all part of the mix. Different countries, different tales, different talents -- yet we know that underpinning all this diversity is a shared aspiration and a shared pleasure.

Happy new year to you too.
andy Wrote:... underpinning all this diversity is a shared aspiration and a shared pleasure.

You must mean the beer?
Andy Wrote:... underpinning all this diversity is a shared aspiration and a shared pleasure.
Mid Life Crisis Man Wrote:You must mean the beer?
Well it's not the effing cricket.
Sweder Wrote:Well it's not the effing cricket.

Oh, is there a cricket match on somewhere then?

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
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