
Full Version: Best of luck in Hamburg, Andy
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I wish you all the best at Hamburg marathon. You deserve a PB under 5 hours at least. I´m sure you will get it because you have trained a lot and you feel quite confident.

Have a wonderful trip and enjoy the marathon as much as possible!

Best wishes. Greetings to M.

I want to wish you all the best in your marathon Andy. I hope the planets align for you the day of the race and the sun is out just enough to brighten the day, but not too hot. I'm sure you'll do well as you've put in the training - now for the finale! I'll be cheering for you and anxiously waiting to see your report of the race and how you did. But however you do, it will be just fine - it's your race.

Try to enjoy what you can and have fun after!

And so say all of us.
You've re-written your record books all year. I know that you'll need a lot of elements to conspire in your favour on Sunday, but the one thing you won't need is luck. As Gary Player once said in response to his so-called 'lucky streak'; The harder I practice, the luckier I get. So it is with you, Andy. Enjoy Smile
Enjoy the race and your time in that fine City. Your prep has been superb, so good luck mate.

p.s. Look out for my aunt cheering you on!
Thanks guys. I haven't really started thinking about it yet, but I suppose I should start...

It's funny how you can spend weeks and months musing on what you're going to do, what time you're going for, what you're capable of... then as the time gets near you suddenly want to shut up about all of that because you start fearing failure, and worrying about appearing foolish.

So I don't want to say too much. Anything can happen. I keep feeling twinges in my hamstrings. Are these psychosomatic? Or a portent of what's to come?

All I'll say is that the racing year so far has been good, largely due to your support and good company, both real and virtual. If I was to extrapolate from race times so far, I should be gunning for 4:30, but I know that's a foolish attitude. It's one step at a time. I haven't yet dipped below 5 hours in my 3 marathons, and that has to be the first target. That's all I'm aiming for this time round. If progress continues, perhaps I can get to 4:30 next year, but this year, anything under 5 will do.

And even if disaster (or even just mere disappointment) strikes, then so be it. It's been a good campaign with some excellent adventures along the way - so it won't have been wasted. If I don't make my time, I'll just have to try again I suppose.

Anyway, thanks for all your good wishes. It means a lot to me.


Hey SP - did you get my private message...?
I even replied. Rolleyes
Oh. I don't seem to have received it....
I know I typed it. I must change my medication.

Ok, bottom line is that I have nothing for you, sorry.

My uncle is a retired journo and a personal friend of the head honcho Minister in charge of tourism for the whole of Hamburg.

Well uncle sort of took charge of what I was after, and said honcho personally sent me a huge pile of the usual tourist guff.......all written in german.Eek

So I binned it.

Sorry. It was not what I was expecting to get either.
I'll keep everything crossed for you :-) Just remember ...
"It's the journey"

I wish you all the very best for Hamburg too. Very jealous of you marathoners at the moment. I remain fully under control of my virus. Will join you in the ranks of the marathon this year though! Best of luck mate.