
Full Version: Connemarathon here I come, pt 2
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Hmmm, well, the cunning plan formulated after last week's experience: ie try running east first, so as to have the blast from the Urals coming from behind (so to speak) on the return trip, came to nought as the wind had spitefully turned to blow from the north.
This week's mission was to follow the route of the jog shop 20. Lovely early on the outward run, past the unsightlier parts of ASDA by the Marina and almost balmy in the sun. As soon as I struck out along the tops of the Downs the wind chill was painful. Was forced to run cupping my nose in my gloved hand as it felt like it was going to fall off (renewed respect and admiration to Fogel, Cracknell and Coates). Past caring about appearances and certainly did not expect to see anyone I knew out there. Of course at this point, up pops the obligatory hard man - in SHORTS - who grinned pityingly and, yes, you've guessed it, accelerated smoothly away (how do they do that???) I reckon I am now humiliation proof.
Counted the run as a success as I made it back to base camp (with nose) and didn't stop on the hills.
Snoozed cosily infront of the RBS six nations in the afternoon, lulled by the rosy glow of achievement. One of the advantages of all this running is the amount of FOOD I can put away while simultaneously appearing to get thinner and thinner. Even the kids are impressed. Well there have to be some perks!
Have adopted Debbie Harry's lyric "I'm not the kinda girl who gives up just like that - Oh No O!" Strange what sticks in your head when you're running.